LLM function calling selection benchmark.

AgenticaSelectBenchmark is a class for the benchmark of the LLM (Large Model Language) function calling's selection part. It utilizes the selector agent and tests whether the expected IAgenticaOperation operations are properly selected from the given IAgenticaSelectBenchmarkScenario scenarios.

Note that, this AgenticaSelectBenchmark class measures only the selection benchmark, testing whether the selector agent can select candidate functions to call as expected. Therefore, it does not test about the actual function calling which is done by the executor agent. If you want that feature, use AgenticaCallBenchmark class instead.


Type Parameters

  • Model extends ILlmSchema.Model





  • Execute the benchmark.

    Execute the benchmark of the LLM function selection, and returns the result of the benchmark.

    If you wanna see progress of the benchmark, you can pass a callback function as the argument of the listener. The callback function would be called whenever a benchmark event is occurred.

    Also, you can publish a markdown format report by calling the report function after the benchmark execution.


    • Optionallistener: (event: IAgenticaSelectBenchmarkEvent<Model>) => void

      Callback function listening the benchmark events

    Returns Promise<IAgenticaSelectBenchmarkResult<Model>>

    Results of the function selection benchmark

  • Report the benchmark result as markdown files.

    Report the benchmark result executed by AgenticaSelectBenchmark as markdown files, and returns a dictionary object of the markdown reporting files. The key of the dictionary would be file name, and the value would be the markdown content.

    For reference, the markdown files are composed like below:

    • ./README.md
    • ./scenario-1/README.md
    • ./scenario-1/1.success.md
    • ./scenario-1/2.failure.md
    • ./scenario-1/3.error.md

    Returns Record<string, string>

    Dictionary of markdown files.