Interface IAgenticaSystemPrompt<Model>

System prompt collection of the A.I. chatbot.

IAgenticaSystemPrompt is a type represents a collection of system prompts that would be used by the A.I. chatbot of Agentica.

You can customize the system prompt by configuring the IAgenticaConfig.systemPrompt property when creating a new Agentica instance.

If you don't configure any system prompts, the default system prompts would be used which are written in the below directory as markdown documents.


interface IAgenticaSystemPrompt<Model extends ILlmSchema.Model> {
    cancel?: (histories: AgenticaPrompt<Model>[]) => string;
    common?: (config?: IAgenticaConfig<Model>) => string;
    describe?: (histories: AgenticaExecutePrompt<Model, any>[]) => string;
    execute?: (histories: AgenticaPrompt<Model>[]) => string;
    initialize?: (histories: AgenticaPrompt<Model>[]) => string;
    select?: (histories: AgenticaPrompt<Model>[]) => string;

Type Parameters

  • Model extends ILlmSchema.Model


cancel?: (histories: AgenticaPrompt<Model>[]) => string

Cancel system prompt.

The Agentica has a process canceling some candidate functions to call by asking to the A.I. agent with the previous prompt histories.

In that case, this cancel system prompt would be used. You can customize it by assigning this function with the given histories parameter.

Type declaration
common?: (config?: IAgenticaConfig<Model>) => string

Common system prompt that would be used in every situation.

Type declaration
describe?: (histories: AgenticaExecutePrompt<Model, any>[]) => string

Describe system prompt.

The Agentica has a process describing the return values of the executed functions by requesting to the A.I. agent with the previous prompt histories.

In that case, this describe system prompt would be used. You can customize it by assigning this function with the given histories parameter.

Type declaration
execute?: (histories: AgenticaPrompt<Model>[]) => string

Execute system prompt.

The Agentica has a process filling the arguments of some selected candidate functions by the LLM (Large Language Model) function calling feature with the previous prompt histories, and executing the arguments filled function with validation feedback.

In that case, this execute system prompt would be used. You can customize it by assigning this function with the given histories parameter.

Type declaration

initialize?: (histories: AgenticaPrompt<Model>[]) => string

Initialize system prompt.

When the A.I. chatbot has not informed any functions to the agent yet because the user has not implied any function calling request yet, Agentica says that it is a circumstance that nothing has been initialized yet.

In that case, the initialize system prompt would be used. You can customize the initialize system prompt by assigning this function with the given histories parameter.

Type declaration
select?: (histories: AgenticaPrompt<Model>[]) => string

Select system prompt.

The Agentica has a process selecting some candidate functions to call by asking to the A.I. agent with the previous prompt histories.

In that case, this select system prompt would be used. You can customize it by assigning this function with the given histories parameter.

Note that, the "select" means only the function selection. It does not contain the filling argument or executing the function. It literally contains only the selection process.

Type declaration